This weekend I decided to stay in Auckland for the weekend since it was going to be raining all weekend long. I had other plans but they all involved the outdoors and auckland rain storms are definitely something to be seen with rain, fog, and wind. On Thursday night I went to a concert at a small venue where we were up close and could touch the artist if we wanted to. We saw Donavon Frankenreiter and man what an incredible musician him and his band are!
On friday after school a couple of us went to a cultural noodle festival in the city and somehow ended up not eating noodles despite the main attraction of the festival being noodles. After, I went to a Christmas festival outside the sky tower, where santa, elves, and many helpers were stationed outside the sky tower with christmas carolers singing.
On saturday I went to a Christmas parade that primary, kindergartens, and intermediate schools helped put on. There was a festival going on after the parade with crafts and great food!
After the parade I walked around the city and enjoyed city views and all the city has to offer. When I got home Dylan and I had a playdate and she discovered what contacts and glasses were.
On Sunday my host family went to get a christmas tree and we set it up in the living room. I have never had a real christmas tree before so it was exciting for me to experience for the first time and in 75 degree weather!
We then went to a Christmas festival with markets, singing and dancing with some of the other americans I am here with and their host families.
After the festival we went to Martha's backyard which is an american store and we were in heaven! We had Heathers host family try takis, they didn't like them very much :) I finally got goldfish which I have been craving since I got here.
Then I went to mission bay since it was so hot and took a dip in the ocean and ended up falling asleep on the beach!
On my way home I ended up finding my way to another christmas festival, turns out there are christmas festivals every weekend everywhere in Auckland leading up to christmas.
What a fun filled weekend of festivities and christmas cheer! Hard to believe I only have a little under a month left in paradise and man is it going to be hard to leave!
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